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Peninsula Family Service Annual Report

65 Years of Extraordinary Opportunities Made Possible by You

PFS Needs your donations

PFS is always in need for donations for early learning centers and the Red-Car-Bel thrift shop in San Carlos. All donations can be dropped off at the PFS offices at 24 Second Avenue in San Mateo. PFS is open Monday through Friday and will accept donations between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (preferably not between Noon and 1:00 pm).

PFS Ongoing Wish List for early learning centers


  • Department store shopping bags

  • Children's books; the more educational the better

  • Art and craft supplies; can be partially used. eg: coloring books, construction paper. (The Haven House facility uses craft projects as a from of art therapy).

  • Backpacks

  • Children games or toys, new or gently used.

  • Costumes for make believe play time. Any Halloween costumes you no longer need? Old Helmets? YOur child's small ski helmet an dgoogles can turn a 3 year old into a football player, rac car driver, police officer or fireman! Costume jewelry that is just sitting in a drawer can turn a 3 year old into a fairy princess!

  • Kitchen items: dish towels, oven mitts, wash clothes, kitchen utensils, aprons.

  • Diapers and children's underwear (can be used but must be clean and in good condition)


Red-Car-Bel Thrift Shop and Wish List


The Red-Car-Bel thrift shop can use all types of donations on an on going basis. Each year in December they have a big 3 day sale. Everythign is half off and they save the really nice items for this sale. Some ideas include


  • All clothes as long as they don't have any stains or holes. They are a great recourse to dontae items that you just aren't sure wher to donate. Eg: nice party dreses, ball gowns or even old t-shirts.

  • Floral vases. Volunteers from other organizations buy them for 25 cents, make arrangements and deliver to the rest homes.

  • Department and grocery store bags

  • Costume Jewelry

  • Coats

  • Shoes

  • Household Items



PFS Online Screening:


Low-income children are 63% less likely to attend college than their more advantaged peers, an achievement gap that begins before kindergarten. Peninsula Family Service provides high quality early education with the power to prevent that gap, changing a child's trajectory forever. We believe that if we give a kid a carrot, amazing things can happen!

Shoes off for nap time!

Girls just want to have fun!.​

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